Seg. - Sex 9.30h - 18.00h
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Golden Executive acts in any type of business, small, medium and large, within the various sectors of activity.

From financial auditing, to management auditing, as well as the supervision of general accounting, Golden Executive has resources and quality methods, ensuring a professional service, always with the premise of obtaining excellent results. Within this area, Golden Executive assures activities in the following areas


  • Legal Certification of Accounts;
  • Reports by the Independent Chartered Accountant (ROC) within the scope of special operations (contributions in kind, mergers, exchange of holdings, among others);
  • Opinions of the Statutory Auditor on statements of expenditure related to various incentive programmes.


  • Financial audits;
  • Management audits.


Practical Tips on Auditing

A truth is that audits exist to bring benefits to the Organisation itself (besides consumer safety, of course). Na prática tudo é mais difícil e qualquer erro pode ser crucial, é verdade. Entretanto, uma boa estratégia é reconhecer as auditorias como oportunidades de melhoria.
Being compliant with the Organisation's own standards and requirements is a must. De nada adianta pregar qualidade e não praticar. Pode acreditar, o consumidor sabe muito bem diferenciar uma marca realmente comprometida em entregar o melhor.
So, the first thing you must know to have successes in audits is that quality is culture. Os processos devem ser executados da maneira certa no dia-a-dia e a equipa deve estar 100% inserida nas metas e política da empresa.

It is important that your audit service is adjusted to the real needs of your company.

Unlike how many people see it, audits come to add, not to hinder. Por meio das auditorias internas é feita uma análise do sistema de gestão. Tudo o que estiver fora das normas, ou até mesmo fora daquilo que foi estipulado pela própria Organização, pode ser identificado e corrigido.
Perform internal audit before the external is essential to prepare. Assim, é possível identificar possíveis não-conformidades e começar a tratá-las.
Remember that to achieve success, you need to be really committed to the best results. Portanto, certifique-se de que a auditoria interna chegará o mais próximo possível do que será a externa.
After all, prevention is better than cure,

Entrepreneurs generally assume that they need more support in managing their business. Is this the case for you?

External audit isn't brain surgery but is the moment when everyone panics. But if everything is in order, there's nothing to fear. You know, audits come to add up.This is the moment of receiving a Certifying Body in the company. So everything better be in compliance and in perfect working order.Keep in mind that anything that is out of standard is not the auditor's fault. In fact, it may not necessarily be anyone's fault, it is only a stimulus to take measures to correct the errors and generate improvements to the process.If you want to be able to boast a quality standards certificate, then the least you should do is fight for it, right? This fight should be daily and continuous.

An accounting firm should provide a holistic view of management and audit services to the client.